i kid you not. i had to do a double take to make sure one guy wasn't actually eminem.
and now that hurricane season is officially off and running, you know they are going to have an obscene amount of ridiculous "on the scene" coverage that i am going to eat right up. speaking of, i think i'll go check on t.s./hurricane alex.
p.s. i don't watch al roker and i think he should go back to the today show.
to both of these parties i say, get your head out of your butt. why not let the engineers continue to problem solve while the rest of us do something more constructive, say, like help the clean up efforts? call me crazy, but i'm sure the animals wouldn't mind a few extra hands cleaning the oil from their bodies or their homes.
this concludes my rant.
thanks for reading.
it would be nice, just once, to do a competitive activity well. it can be anything: pool, darts, any sport, cooking, blowing bubblegum bubbles. really, anything would be fine! maybe it's just that i'm so easy-going, that i just don't fell compelled to be publicly competitive. don't get me wrong, though, i push myself to do my best at things that truly matter to me. i guess it's just those things can't be publicly displayed?
i think my sister got all the competitiveness between the two of us. it's bad sometimes, especially when it comes to nintendo games.
oh well, i suppose the world needs balance, so i'll keep supplying those competitive natured people someone to beat!
any other ideas will be greatly appreciated!
i'm currently painting meredith and ted's new house. she willingly took the role of guinea pig, and let me design her living areas. it's the first time a design of mine will be implemented. a bit frightening, but kinda cool, too :)
many people hate the drive between houston and waco, but i LOVE it.
my favorite parts are
the last time i drove back and forth was by far the best yet. that night before there was a big storm, so that afternoon was absolutely perfect with piercing cloudless blue skies and bright sunshine. it took a lot in me to not turn down one of the random side roads and just drive to who knows where.
luckily, now that i'm done with finals, i get to enjoy the drive again tomorrow! :)
and here are two of my favorite sites:
so on days when i need inspiration or just an escape from my reality, i try and find new and interesting portfolios. if you know of any, share them please!
so hooray for my first telling tuesday!
picture this:
second grade. music class. we're learning about syllables by saying our name and clapping with each corresponding syllable. it's going smoothly down the row: holly (two claps) nikole (two claps) heather (two claps) chelsey (two claps)... then it's my turn. i say my name and clap twice, making my name ba lair. this is when the teacher says, "oh no, honey. your name is ONE syllable: blair (one clap)".
i hated my name for years because of that day, and never told anyone of my trauma. in high school, i told my friends and family about this story. my mom felt guilty, i'm pretty sure meredith made fun of me, and my friends were shocked and reassured me that due to its single syllable, my name was really fun to say. this is where the evolution of my name took place, ranging from a drawn out bllaaaaaaaaaiiiiiirrrrrrrrr (think dory speaking whale in finding nemo) to blur.
the meaning of blair: in irish, the name blair means field or plain and also has celtic, scottish, english, and gaelic origins
i have grown to love my name, and all of its eccentric forms, and think it adds to my personality rather nicely.
first, i feel i need to introduce some pretty important individuals that have greatly impacted my life:
i'll most likely be referring to them often, so i thought it fitting to introduce them at the start.
and now, a bit about me:
my junior year at baylor is coming to a close, and i think i'm getting cold feet about graduating. ALREADY - yikes. i think this is where the pinch to document developed.
so through this i'm hoping to share insights, because frankly sometimes i feel the world needs to know what i think, adventures, stories, etc. for a purely lighthearted motive. i hope you enjoy!